Testground Debugging

4 May 2022


Testground is an open source tool developer by Protocol Labs. It’s designed to write large scale test plans for decentralized software.

URL: https://docs.testground.ai/

How to debug Testground

Testground is pretty cool, but debugging is sort of a pain because everything runs in docker containers.

Enable Debug Logging


Use an actual debugger from the docker containers


Use a stopped container

pass --run-cfg keep_containers=true,
then in the logs, identify the container id,

You can then

› docker commit tg-compatibility-rust-ping-cbcgvdael22iqdbr32v0-single-1 debug/rust                                                        

› docker run -it --rm --entrypoint sh debug/rust                                                                                           

Laurent Senta

I wrote software for large distributed systems, web applications, and even robots. These days I focus on making developers, creators, and humans more productive through IPDX.co.